Some questions in this part may require you to have a local development installation of WordPress in order to run tests on your plugin.
To complete all tests, we recommend:
define('WP_DEBUG', true);
If you do not already have a local dev site to test with, see Local (opens in a new tab) or MAMP (opens in a new tab) to get started.
If you’re not sure how to do complete any of the items listed below, feel free to skip to the next item. Someone from OIT will fill in the rest. is a bash script written by Mitch Amiano in the College of Engineering, based on suggestions from the WPCampus community. It checks your theme or plugin for problematic patterns.
Example usage: In the command line from your wp-content/themes directory, run: [theme-slug] -v.
wp-content/themes [theme-slug] -v
Refer to the features and functionality documented in Part 2 of this questionnaire.
Based on what was documented in Part 2 of this questionnaire, create any test content using the custom post types, blocks, shortcodes, or widgets added by this theme. Be sure to make your test content representative of how they’re intended to be used.
axe by Deque (opens in a new tab) is an accessibility testing tool. It includes a free Chrome browser extension, and is frequently used behind the scenes in other testing tools (eg. Google’s Lighthouse).
@axe-core/cli (opens in a new tab) is a package for running axe from the command line. Install this package!
In this field, paste the axe output for every post and page on your website. You can do this easily with WP CLI by running the following commands on your dev site:
wp post list --url=[your dev site URL] --post_type=page --field=url | xargs -n1 -I % axe %
wp post list --url=[your dev site URL] --post_type=post --field=url | xargs -n1 -I % axe %
Repeat for any custom post types added by the plugin.