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Denied Theme and Plugin Requests

The following themes and plugins were denied at the time of request.

Theme/Plugin NameCategoryDateReason for DenialSuggested Alternative
Web StoriesPluginApril 2024Duplicate functionality to an already approved plugin.v4 – NC State Pro or Premium
v3 – NC State Stories, NC State Pages
bbPressPluginJanuary 2021Web Publishing (nor cPanel) are approved for hosting discussion boards.Google Spaces, MS Teams, or Slack for non-course-related use. For course-related use, WolfWare has discussion boards.
WooCommercePluginJanuary 2021Web Publishing (nor cPanel) are approved for hosting E-Commerce solutions.E-Commerce use cases must be in accords with Controller’s office guidelines.
Events Calendar Event TicketsPluginAugust 2023Does not play well with our DB environment and has negative impact on services.None
DiviThemeJanuary 2021Divi does not play well with our environment, does not align with WordPress code design standards, and creates a negatively impactful editing experience.NC State Theme
ClickCease WordPress PluginPluginApril 2024The ClickCease WordPress plugin does not work with our page caching strategy. The platform works fine, just not the WordPress plugin.None
TablePress ProPluginNovember 2023Duplicate functionality to an already approved plugin.
Also, the Licensing Model for Tablepress’ non-free unlimited site license is very expensive giving our infrastructure model.
NinjaTables Pro
MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPressPluginApril 2024Duplicate functionality to an already approved plugin.Gravity Forms Mailchimp Add-On
Contact Form 7PluginApril 2024Duplicate functionality to an already approved plugin.Gravity Forms + approved add-ons